Monday, February 25, 2008

Reading 2.12

This was really exciting reading, to me. I was really startled in class when Prof. Lyzenga suggested that complex wave-vectors would yield physically meaningful waves that we were missing with just our P- and S-waves. I have to admit that I was just as startled once everything worked out with the algebra.

Other than that, I consider this reading a real treat in terms of a nifty mathematical treatment of a problem of physical interest. My last thought, then, is in line with Andrew's question:

- Is there a way to exhaust the solutions to our equations for elastic medium? I have heard the terms inverse scattering and integrable thrown around with regard to systems to which we know this or some simplified version one of them? It seems that even if they are a simpler version, that they can afford the Navier-Stokes equations means that it should probably be more difficult than integrable.

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